Why we do what we do

Maplewood Sweets exists to develop relationships based on integrity, and bring value to the lives of the people we interact with so that they can be empowered to the best version of themselves.

Familiar Favorites

Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup

New York Maple Syrup Why Maple Syrup? Are you looking for a...

Maple Sugar Sweets

Maple candy, maple cream, maple sugar and maple flakes, are all comprised...

  • Our Promise

    No additives, no artificial flavors. Just 100% pure New York maple syrup.

  • Quality

    We pride ourselves with ensuring the highest quality from the taps in our trees until we fill your bottle!

  • Sustainability

    Committed to preserving our forests, we use eco-friendly methods to tap trees, ensuring the health of our maples for future generations.

Visit Us

We are located at 20322 County Rd 63 Watertown NY 13601
